Welcome to

San Gabriel Valley

Soccer Referee


You Missed Out!  We had a chair waiting for you!

If you have any questions about assigning contact me.  Any issues other than assigning please contact Lloyd Johnson



Once the assignment is emailed to you, please respond back on that original assignment e-mail that you are confirming.  It is important to respond back on the original e-mail.  Please create new e-mails for other subject matter.  Use the subject line to give me a short description of what your e-mail is about.  If you don't want to travel far for a couple of games let me know that as well.

Please keep track of your game count and tournaments you referee for payout.  You are the responsible party for knowing what games you have done. The payment dates are on this website!  Print out your assignments and keep them until you are paid so you know for sure payment is received.

Keep informed! Don't let this be you!